chrome · explorer

Today I started a chapter in the book I am teaching from on Internet Explorer. I asked my students which browser they use. It was split pretty much between Chrome and Firefox with the nod really going to Chrome. However, the book only deals with Explorer so I stuck to that browser. I discovered a couple of neat features as I prepped for the class that I thought I would pass along. One was actually something I wanted to be able to do for a while. The other I had heard about but never checked into. The two techniques are saving all your open tabs as a favorite so that you can launch them all at once if you need them at some later time. The other is using a feature called an Accelerator. This feature allows you to open a web page based on text that you highlight while browsing another web page.

So you are doing some research and have nine tabs open at once. You need to shutdown but want to pick up at this point later with the same tabs open. You can save them as a group and here is how:

Explorer: With all the tabs open

  1. Click the Star and open the Favorites Control Center.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to the button Add to Favorites
  3. Now select Add current tabs to Favorites
  4. A dialog will open asking you to name the folder that the tabs will be saved to. Type something descriptive and click OK
  5. The folder has been added to your list of Favorite folders. If you check inside the new folder you will see the individual favorites have been saved within.
  6. To launch them all at once float your cursor over the folder you want to open all of the tabbed pages that are inside, then left click the blue arrow that appears out to the right. All tabs will open at once.


  1. Open all the tabs you want saved as bookmarks
  2. Point at the last tab open and right click. From the shortcut menu select Bookmark all tabs
  3. In the dialog that opens type a name for the folder to hold the tabs locations and click Save
  4. To launch all tabs in any folder, open your bookmarks list from the Options menu in the upper right, right click the folder and select open all tabs.

Accelerators: Both browsers allow you to select text on a web age and then launch a search based on the highlighted text on a new tab. To do so in Explorer highlight the text you want to search on then click the blue button that appears at the end of the text. Then select use Bing to search. In Chrome, highlight the text, then right click on it and select search with Google.

Hope you like the tips. See you soon

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